I have just set-up IIS on BCAS server to host all our 1-click-deploy apps, these are basically desktop apps that check for an updated version from our servers before they start running. The next step is to publish each of the apps to the new location, then they will check this location for future updates.
We need to update the version number and publish with the new update path to the old server (so when old versions run they download a new version with the new server update path), then publish this to the new server also. The apps are:
- Comment Typing
- MC3 Presentation Creator
- WIT Presentation Builder (This is an old desktop app, not in the WIT solution)
- Scan Factory Client
- Timelog
If you need any settings, access, pointers please let me know. All should fall in place after doing the first app.
I have updated the links section to all these apps on Sharepoint, so you can see the new URL there.
You hopefully have access to where the new installers should go file://bcas/App%20Installers/
Any questions, or if I have missed key details let me know.
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