If your computer fan starts going very fast and making a loud noise it’s possible that Windows is applying some updates. When this happens on a laptop or Surface used in meetings it can be very distracting meaning you may be unable to use the device at that time.
Windows updates are dowloaded and applied automatically by our network policy. This gives you very little control over when and where you can use your computer if noise is an issue.
To see if Windows updates may be the cause of the issue, right click on your Task Bar at the bottom of your screen and select Task Manager. Once in there, in the Processes tab, if 'Windows Modules Installer Worker’ is using a high percentage of your CPU, then Windows updates may be a cause.
I found this, and a suggested fix from this article;
If this is your issue you can create a ticket to speak with Innovation about possibly making your updates more manual on your computer. As we need updates to come down to stay secure, you should not stop them all together, but you can have the computer download them and then prompt you to install them giving you more control over when your computer goes under pressure.
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