In the Executive Summary in WIT, two of the slides highlight the 15 most correlated questions for that company survey. However, even though they show the same 15 questions, the orders in which they display them in are different. The reason for this is explained here.
The Most Highly Correlated Questions (slide 5 in the Executive Summary) is ordered in correlation order, with the question with the highest correlation value at the top.
The Most Correlated Questions Heatmap (slide 7 in the Executive Summary) is ordered by Question Score. This is done mainly for presentational reasons. In the heatmap (see below), you will see that the vertical axis labelled Question Score goes from highest at the top to lowest at the bottom. This gives the heatmap a nice diagonal sloping appearance (top-right to bottom-left).
If it was ordered by Correlation Value like in the list of the Most Highly Correlated Questions slide, the Question Score axis would all over the place, with the values in this column not following any kind of numerical order at all. This would most likely cause confusion to people looking at the chart because of the non-sequential values and the widths and positions of the individual bars not following any order.
For example, in the attached heatmap, if it was ordered by correlation value, the first few Question Scores would be as follows:
- 4.44 (I think I have a positive future ahead of me in this organisation)
- 4.41 (I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team)
- 4.59 (My manager cares about how satisfied I am in my job)
- 4.67 (I love working for this organisation)
- 4.81 (I would leave tomorrow if I had another job)
- 4.99 (I am excited about where this organisation is going)
- 5.23 (My manager takes an active interest in my wellbeing)
- 4.35 (I feel proud to work for this organisation)
- etc.
As you can see, the values on the axis would no longer be in numerical order and the heatmap would no longer have a nice diagonal slope, making it look untidy.
Incidentally, all heatmaps in WIT are ordered in the same way by Question Score.
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