If the Windows Phone Lync client can't connect, it could be using the wrong addresses to access the server.
To diagnose and fix:
- Sent myself the Lync logs from my phone (Lync client | ... | Settings | Logging | Email Logs)
- Checking through the logs, saw multiple 'E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1)' errors when trying to connect to either of the Lync discovery addresses
- Searching for the error message led me here:
http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/winphone/forum/wp8-wppersonal/lync-2013-online-sign-in-connection-failure-on/5aedf7d1-1023-4005-b71c-5446f9257ca0 - Where it suggested the following
- Under 'Show Advanced Options' (on Lync sign-in screen), Toggle “Auto-detect sever” to “Off”
- In 'Internal Discovery Address' type: https://lyncdiscoverinternal.jh-austin.co.uk/Autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/Root
- In 'External Discovery Address' type: https://lyncdiscover.jh-austin.co.uk/Autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/Root
- Tried this suggestion, using our two Lync discovery addresses (shown in the above example) but still couldn't connect. Then attempted to connect to the external discovery address using a web browser on my Surface (using public Wi-Fi - this gave a certificate error (certificate name is listed as ocs.jh-austin.co.uk)
- I then modified the addresses as shown below and could then connect to Lync on my phone
Internal Discovery Address: https://lync13.uk.jh-austin.co.uk/Autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/Root
External Discovery Address: https://ocs.jh-austin.co.uk/Autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/Root
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