Once a company has finished surveying you can generate an MI Report for them. The MI Report will include some pages introducing the client to MI and MC³ and will then show a list of the managers that they provided, honouring any kind of management hierarchy that they have given, along with their MI Score, star rating if they have one and number of responses.
When generating an MI Report it is important for both you and the client to check over the report before revealing any scores. The app that we have to generate the reports allows you to run off a version that is safe to send to the client to check over before giving them the full report. Once the client has the full report with scores and ratings, it becomes difficult, sometimes impossible to change who reports to who to correct errors.
When checking the report over, you should look for things that look out of the ordinary like a very high number of direct reports, or responses for a single manager.
Creating a report
Step 1 - Link yourself to a company and manager
In order to create a report you need to navigate to use two different web sites. Firstly navigate to the Best Companies back office site;
Log in and click on back office, MC³, Processes. Then select 'Manage MC³ Portal Access'. You will be taken to the following screen;
In this screen you can select the survey, size, sector and company that you want to run the report off for.
Note: Only Survey is mandatory, so don't worry if you don't know the size and sector for the company!
You will then be shown a table with a list of people already associated with this company - if any. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Add' button underneath the 'Account Access' table;
You will see a pop-up control that will allow you to link yourself, or somebody else to this company, and a manager in the company to use both the portal and the MI Creator app. Select your name in the drop down list labelled 'Account'.
If you want to run off a report with all managers in the company make sure the option labelled 'Can access all top level managers' is selected.
If you want to run off a report for a particular manager in the company, and any managers beneath him in the hierarchy select the option 'Link to a manager'. Once you have done this, enter part of the managers name in the box that appears labelled 'Managers name' and click on the 'Find' button.
When the managers name appears in the list box, click on it to select it and you will be associated with that manager when you run off a report or enter the MC³ portal.
The last step to link yourself to a company and manager is to ensure the 'MC³ Account Enabled' option is selected and click on the 'Ok' button. After doing this you should see your name in the 'Account Access' list.
Step 2 - Generate the 'Check it over' report
Your next step is to run off a report to check that everything looks ok. To do this, navigate to the following website;
Alternatively, you can generate an MI Report from within the MC3 Portal:
The following article gives more details about this:
Note: You will need Microsoft Silverlight installed to use this app. It won't work on an iPad!
Note: Only Best Companies Admin accounts will be able to log into this site. That being said, you should not pass the web address on to clients as it isn't set up for client use.
When there, you should see the following screen;
When the screen loads, enter your username and password (the same ones that you use to log in to the Best Companies website) into the boxes at the top of the screen and click on the 'Log in...' button.
The 'Generate Report for' section will show the details of the company and manager that you have linked yourself to in the last section.
Make sure that the 'Hide Scores' checkbox is ticked as this will hide all scores and star ratings from the report. When you are happy, click on the 'Go' button and the report will generate.
Note: If this is the first time the company is getting any MC³ or MI scores the system will need to generate the scores, so the app can take quite a while to complete and present the report. It should be much quicker if it isn't the first time this has been run!
Note: Make sure you don't change which manager you are linked to in back office whilst the report is running! Doing so may cause reports to be incomplete or inaccurate!
You will see a message telling you that the report is 'Running...';
Once this has finished the message will change to say 'Finished' and you will be shown a link where you can view and download the report;
The report will open up in a second internet browser window where you can preview it on screen, print it or save it to your computer and send it off to a client.
As this report is a 'Check it over' type report, it will not contain any scores, or introduction as to what MC³ and MI is. The email that you use to send the report to the client should reflect this and instruct them appropriately.
Note: To make it easier for the client to spot potential issues to be corrected before receiving their report manager with more than 10 responses will be hi lighted in red!
Note: It is very worth double checking that the company name in the report matches who you send the report to! The company name is shown on each report page showing managers.
Step 3 - Sense Check the Report!!!!
As with any data that is sent to a client, check it over before sending it on. Pop into the MC³ portal and make sure the scores make sense, make sure there are no manager names that have not been provided well, does the company name fit on the page? If it is very long, we may need to alter it before sending. It may seem like an easy step to pass over, but a little effort checking things out here may save a huge embarrassment for us later on!
Step 4 - Generate the MI Report
In order to generate the full MI Report, just follow the steps above but where you check the box to 'Hide Scores', leave this box un-checked.
When this report runs it will contain all managers based on who you are linked to, their MI Scores and star ratings where appropriate.
Step 5 - Sense Check the Report Again!!!!
Same as above, but it's worth stating twice, as with any data that is sent to a client, check it over before sending it on. Pop into the MC³ portal and make sure the scores make sense, make sure there are no manager names that have not been provided well, does the company name fit on the page? If it is very long, we may need to alter it before sending.
It may seem like an easy step to pass over, but a little effort checking things out here may save a huge embarrassment for us later on!
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