The main reason an order would not appear in Contact Management or not assigning functionality to the client after purchase is if it was created in the 'additional items' section on the manual invoice page instead of using the catalogued sections such as the 'WIT Upgrade' section and the 'MC³' Section.
The Additional item section of the page should only really be used if the option is not cataloged within the other sections e.g. WIT Upgrade, MC³. The reason for this is that the cataloged items have system functionality. For example if you wanted to create an invoice for Comments in WIT you should select WIT Upgrade and Select Comments, or, if upgrading a company to MC³ then You should select MC³ for order type and MC³ in the select order items list. These then have a price per item suggestion which can be edited if needed. Once the order is processed the Order will appear in the Contact Management page and rights will automatically be given to the company for their upgrade.
When using the Additional Items section, the website does not have a way of relating the item name to any of our features. Therefore it will not move the order into purchases as it does not know that what survey the upgrade relates to if any and does not know which features relate to the order.
In the case of WIT, if this mistake has been made, access to the item (In this case Comments) will have to be manually assigned to the company on the following page: Back Office > WIT > Access - Rights Assignment (Image Below) [For further instruction on this page please click HERE. This however will not affect the invoice so the order will not appear in Contact Management.
WIT Rights can be assigned by clicking the check-box of the item within the Survey Features section and clicking update. They can be removed from the company by checking the boxes in the Top section With the companies name at the top. It is a good idea to write a note when updating features for referencing the change.
If the Order needs to appear in Contact Management a developer will need to change the order from an additional item invoice into a cataloged item. (This is not ideal as the process is not always straight forward)
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