If you have two different records for the same client, and you are absolutely certain they are the same client, it is possible for you to merge these accounts together and keep the key details for both.
A word of caution before you continue; the company merge process is impossible to undo once it has been committed
To do this, visit Back Office | Survey | Processes | Merge Companies and follow these steps:
- Click the 'Select Organisation' link under Primary Organisation and select the company you wish to merge
- Repeat this for the Secondary Organisation, but ensure that you select a duplicate company record rather than the same record again
- Now you should see a table containing survey processes that have been registered against each company. If there are conflicting entries for a single process, you will see a 'Details' link to the right hand side of the secondary survey
- If you see the 'Details' link, click on it, otherwise skip to step 7
- Once you have clicked the 'Details' link, you will see a pop up showing you the two conflicting survey entries. Underneath each entry is a link 'Keep This Entry'. Read through the two entries and click the link under the survey you would like to keep. At least one of the survey entries will have 'Active - In Process', which is the survey you want to keep
- Once you have clicked the 'Keep This Entry' link, you will be returned to the Merge Companies page. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each survey process for which there is a 'Details' link visible
- Once you are happy that you have the processes you want to merge, you can click the 'Merge' link, which can be found at the bottom right hand corner of the Survey Entries table
- You will be informed that the request to merge the companies has been sent. Once the merge has been processed you will receive an email letting you know it has been completed. This can take a minimum of 15 minutes to process
That's it, you should now have successfully merged two companies!
If you require further guidance through the merge company process, there is a link 'Instructions and guidelines for merging companies' in the page. When clicked, this link will display some guidelines on merging companies.
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