If you receive a request from a company to remove/change one of the statements from their profile as they feel at a first glance it looks negative, you can select another question to show instead. To do this:
- Go to Back Office > Survey > Processes > Manage/Edit Profiles (where we type the profiles up).
- Enter the Survey/Size/Company combination in the 3 drop-downs at the top of the page.
- Scroll down the page until you see the Factor Question Scores heading (it's just underneath the Factor Rankings table).
- Choose the Factor which the question you want to change belongs to. The questions relating to this factor will then appear like in the screen-shot below:
- The question(s) that is published will have a tick in the Published column. Click on the Edit link next to the question you no longer want to be published. The page will be refreshed and that question will then become editable.
- Un-tick the Published question and click on Update.
- Next, click on the Edit link for the question you want to be published instead.
- Tick the Published box for this question and click on Update.
The new question will now be published instead of the original one.
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