If you have been supplied with a spreadsheet containing some new translations required for the Survey site, you will need to follow these steps to add the new culture to our system.
Add the New Culture
- Insert the new culture into the Ref_Culture table in the database.
- Insert the new culture into the Lnk_Survey_Culture table. Only set the UseAtDistribution field to 1 for surveys with 'Multi-Lingual' in their name.
Populate the Questions and Answers
Now open the spreadsheet containing the new translations and complete the following steps:
- Open Excel and open the file E:\Depot\Main\BC_Schema\Translations.xml
- You will see a number of worksheets, each referring to a culture. Add a new worksheet and name it as the new language.
- Copy the Question & Answer Phrases from the supplied spreadsheet into your new tab, with a header row of 'English' and 'Translation'.
- Close and Save Translations.xml, but leave the new translations spreadsheet open, as you will need it again.
- In your schema change you will also need to set the flag _bImportTranslations = true;
Create the Survey Red Text Images
You will need to create the red text images for the following translations:
- Agree
- Disagree
- Slightly Agree
- Slightly Disagree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Disagree
- Neither Agree Nor Disagree
- Not Applicable
- Anxious
- Bored
- Engaged
- Satisfied
To create the translation images for the general survey answers (in black text above), follow these steps:
- Open your preferred image editing software (eg; Photoshop, paint.net, GIMP2)
- Create a new image 75 pixels x 39 pixels in size
- Change the font colour to #E41421
- Use the text input tool and paste in the required text
- Resize/move the text around so it fits nicely in the image
- Rotate the image by 90°
- Save the image as its English translation (eg; NeitherAgreeNorDisagree.png)
- Repeat these steps for all 8 general answers
To create the translation images for the Watson Tellegen answers (in red text above), follow these steps:
- Open your preferred image editing software (eg; Photoshop, paint.net, GIMP2)
- Create a new image 75 pixels x 50 pixels in size
- Change the font colour to #E41421
- Use the text input tool and paste in the required text
- Resize/move the text around so it fits nicely in the image
- Save the image as its English translation (eg; Anxious.jpg)
- Repeat these steps for all 4 Watson Tellegen answers
Create Resource Files
Open the BC_Survey solution and follow these steps:
- In the SurveyWebsite project open the folder App_GlobalResources.
- Copy and paste the files Common.resx, Images.resx and Message.resx
- Rename the copied files using the culture name you added into the database. (For example Common.ro-RO.resx is for Romanian translations).
- Repeat the above steps for each English .resx file in the App_LocalResources and Controls/App_LocalResources folders, and also for BusinessLibrary/Resources/EmployeeSurveyEmail.resx
- Once you have these copied, go into your pending changes and work through each .resx file at a time, adding the appropriate translation for the label. These should be labelled up with both the file name and label name in the supplied spreadsheet.
Add a new folder to the SurveyWebsite/Images folder and name it as the new culture (eg ro-RO).
Add the images to the new folder.
Update Enum for Unit Testing
With new changes since Survey Set up, an extra unit test has been added, and the following change is needed to pass this unit test (GetAllCultures_Returns_cultures).
Open the Domain.CompanySurvey.Distribution.Culture.cs file in BC_Website and follow these steps:
Under the enum CultureCodeOptions, add to the list the new culture you've added. (For example: [Name("sk-SK")] skSK )
Update EmployeeDTO.cs
You will also need to update the EmployeeDTO.CS file to add in the new Culture Code Options.
You are now ready to test the survey!
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